The design focuses on the use of the site as a valuable recreation area involving the exhibition hall and the OSMO halls as identity-building component of the harbour. Even now the OSMO halls are used for various outdoor-events, like the public viewing for the World Cup, cinema or sports events. This will be developed in cooperation with the "Halle Münsterland".

For this, the pedestrian connection along the "Kreativkai" will be complemented by two more ways.
For one way the rail line to the exhibition hall at the southern bank of the "Stadthafen I" is reactivated. The other way starts at the "Stadthafen II" and goes trough the new created recreational and leisure area that surrounds the harbour area in the south.

The planned uses start with a spa hotel in connection to the exhibition hall and continue with various sport facilities, a sheltered event space, a therapy center and various offices and end up at the bank with the ferry to the OSMO halls.

The way itsself becomes an event, going through always newly formed places over different grounds and through different vegetation along the path that change with the seasons and go from cultivated to wild.